# tar xvf VRTS_SF_HA_Solutions_5.1_SP1_Solaris_SPARC.tar
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/dynamic_multipathing, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/dynamic_multipathing/copyright, 874 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/dynamic_multipathing/docs, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/dynamic_multipathing/docs/dmp_admin_51sp1_sol.pdf, 2273804 bytes, 4442 tape blocks
corto la salida del tar para no extender demasiado
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/3rdpartyattributions.pdf, 320766 bytes, 627 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/getting_started.pdf, 364819 bytes, 713 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/jumpstart_readme.txt, 5516 bytes, 11 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/readme_first.txt, 29923 bytes, 59 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/windows, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./dvd1-sol_sparc/windows/VRTSvradv.msi, 29723136 bytes, 58053 tape blocks
# cd dvd1-sol_sparc
# cd volume manager
# ls
copyright docs EULA installvm pkginfo.txt tools uninstallvm
# ./installvm
Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Install Program
Copyright (c) 2010 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202.
Logs are being written to /var/tmp/installvm-201502231307dhv while installvm is in progress.
Do you agree with the terms of the End User License Agreement as specified in the volume_manager/EULA/en/EULA_SF_Ux_5.1SP1.pdf
file present on media? [y,n,q,?] y
Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Install Program
1) Install minimal required Veritas Volume Manager packages - 244 MB required
2) Install recommended Veritas Volume Manager packages - 409 MB required
3) Display packages to be installed for each option
Select the packages to be installed on all systems? [1-3,q,?] (2) 2
Enter the Solaris Sparc system names separated by spaces: [q,?] (sun2009)
Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Install Program
Logs are being written to /var/tmp/installvm-201502231307dhv while installvm is in progress
Verifying systems: 100%
Estimated time remaining: 0:00 8 of 8
Checking system communication.............................................................. Done
Checking release compatibility ................................................................ Done
Checking installed product ..................................................................... Done
Checking prerequisite patches and packages ........................................... Done
Checking platform version .................................................................. Done
Checking file space ................................................................................ Done
Performing product license checks .......................................................... Done
Performing product prechecks ................................................................. Done
System verification checks completed successfully
Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Install Program
The following Veritas Volume Manager packages will be installed on all systems:
Package Package Description
VRTSvlic Veritas Licensing
VRTSperl Veritas Perl 5.10.0 Redistribution
VRTSspt Veritas Software Support Tools by Symantec
VRTSvxvm Veritas Volume Manager Binaries
VRTSaslapm Volume Manager - ASL/APM
VRTSob Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service by Symantec
VRTSsfmh Veritas Storage Foundation Managed Host by Symantec
The following Veritas Volume Manager patches will be installed on all systems:
Patch Package
142629-06 VRTSvxvm
143687-02 VRTSob
Press [Enter] to continue:
Logs are being written to /var/tmp/installvm-201502231307dhv while installvm is in progress
Installing VM: 100%
Estimated time remaining: 0:00 12 of 12
Performing VM preinstall tasks ....................................................... Done
Installing VRTSvlic package............................................................ Done
Installing VRTSperl package........................................................... Done
Installing VRTSspt package ........................................................... Done
Installing VRTSvxvm package ........................................................ Done
Installing VRTSaslapm package....................................................... Done
Installing VRTSob package ............................................................ Done
Installing 142629-06 patch ............................................................. Done
Installing 143687-02 patch ............................................................. Done
Installing VRTSsfmh package .......................................................... Done
Performing VM postinstall tasks ...................................................... Done
Copying installer libraries and scripts ................................................ Done
Veritas Volume Manager Install completed successfully
Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Install Program
To comply with the terms of Symantec's End User License Agreement, you have 60 days to either:
* Enter a valid license key matching the functionality in use on the systems
* Enable keyless licensing and manage the systems with a Management Server. For more details visit
http://go.symantec.com/sfhakeyless. The product is fully functional during these 60 days.
1) Enter a valid license key
2) Enable keyless licensing and complete system licensing later
How would you like to license the systems? [1-2,q] (2) 1
Checking system licensing
VM is unlicensed on all systems
Enter a VM license key: [b,q,?] AJZU-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-C6PP-XXXX-P
Storage Foundation Enterprise successfully registered on sun2009
Do you wish to enter additional licenses? [y,n,q,b] (n) n
VM is licensed on all systems
Veritas Volume Manager 5.1 SP1 Install Program
Logs are being written to /var/tmp/installvm-201502231307dhv while installvm is in progress
Starting VM: 100%
Estimated time remaining: 0:00 11 of 11
Performing VM configuration .................................................................. Done
Starting vxdmp ........................................................................................ Done
Starting vxio ............................................................................................ Done
Starting vxspec ........................................................................................ Done
Starting vxconfigd .................................................................................... Done
Starting vxesd .......................................................................................... Done
Starting vxrelocd ...................................................................................... Done
Starting vxcached ..................................................................................... Done
Starting vxconfigbackupd .......................................................................... Done
Starting vxattachd ..................................................................................... Done
Performing VM poststart tasks .................................................................. Done
Veritas Volume Manager Startup completed successfully
installvm log files, summary file, and response file are saved at:
*** Ahora ,voy a instalar los parches para el Veritas
root@sun2009 # gzip -d sfha-sol_sparc-5.1SP1RP4-patches.tar.gz
root@sun2009 # tar xvf sfha-sol_sparc-5.1SP1RP4-patches.tar
x ./sol_sparc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/copyright, 882 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/scripts, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/scripts/bin, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
Corto la salida por ser muy extensa
x ./sol_sparc/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/Bundle/LWP.pm, 923 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/sfha_notes_51sp1rp4_sol.pdf, 2437518 bytes, 4761 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/pkgs, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/pkgs/README_SYMC.VRTSaslapm, 676 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x ./sol_sparc/pkgs/VRTSaslapm.pkg, 1637888 bytes, 3199 tape blocks
root@sun2009 # cd sol_sparc
root@sun2009 # ls
copyright perl sfha_notes_51sp1rp4_sol.pdf xprtl
installrp pkgs uninstallrp
patches scripts webinstaller
root@sun2009 # cd patches
Estos son los parches que necesito
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Feb 23 11:41 142629-06
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Feb 23 11:41 143687-02
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Feb 23 12:19 142629-19
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Feb 23 12:28 143687-04
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Feb 23 12:29 144159-01
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 Feb 23 12:34 149806-01
patchadd -d 142629-19
patchadd -d 142629-06
patchadd -d 143687-02
patchadd -d 143687-04
patchadd -d 144159-01
patchadd -d 149806-01
root@sun2009 # pkginfo -l VRTSvxvm
NAME: Binaries for VERITAS Volume Manager by Symantec
CATEGORY: system
ARCH: sparc
VERSION: 5.1,REV=10.06.2009.22.05
VENDOR: Symantec Corporation
DESC: Virtual Disk Subsystem
INSTDATE: Feb 23 2015 13:39
HOTLINE: http://support.veritas.com/phonesup/phonesup_ddProduct_.htm
EMAIL: support@veritas.com
STATUS: completely installed
FILES: 955 installed pathnames
35 shared pathnames
116 directories
428 executables
419176 blocks used (approx)
root@sun2009 #